Brave is an American animated film that was released in the 22 June 2012 in North America and on 2 August in Europe. The film was was produced by Pixar, it's the 13th length animated film. The screenplay is by Brenda Chapman and Irene Mecchi, the film was directed by Brenda Chapman and Mark Andrews.
Learn how to watch Brave (2012) Stream online Without Download
1- Clicks the 'play' button on the embedded video (Stream).
2- The video player needs to buffer movie to play it, give it 5-10 minutes.
The video player allows you to watch Name Brave movie in full screen, You can find the full screen mode button in the lower right corner of the video player. Please submit a comment to confirm that stream is working and let us know the device you used to watch stream (Laptop, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Phone ...etc).
Learn how to watch Brave (2012) Stream online Without Download
1- Clicks the 'play' button on the embedded video (Stream).
2- The video player needs to buffer movie to play it, give it 5-10 minutes.
The video player allows you to watch Name Brave movie in full screen, You can find the full screen mode button in the lower right corner of the video player. Please submit a comment to confirm that stream is working and let us know the device you used to watch stream (Laptop, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Phone ...etc).
Labels: 2012 Movies, Action, Adventure, Animation, Disney Movies, Family
This is NOT working!!!
Nice movie
love this movie the best frozen is good but this one is even better
I absolutely love this movie, now I say mum instead of mom
This movie is like 100 times better than frozen and even better than tangled! ☺️ I literally cried at the end��
xD Your watching this illegally if it doesnt work dont complain
i like it
too dark in the end
Never watched this butpee say its awesome. Soi cant wait until
watch it
Worked great on my Galaxy S3!
it was so dark I couldn't see.
Yea the screen was a bit dark at the end but it was AMAZING!!😊
At the time brave came out I didn't like the cinema now I do and I have used this site to catch up on movies I have seen moshi monsters mr Peabody and Sherman but this movie was sooo not better than tangled or frozen I love frozen
frozen is sooo better I dissagree
its very dark all the way through for me could hardly see it :( i cant afford dvds or the cinema so i watch things online :P if you could get a better version that would be cool! great story! :DD
Awesome,inspiring and a lesson to be learned story! Thank you for posting this.I wish you would have posted a brighter copy.But i really love it!
its werry dark cant hartly see whats going on in it :(
Streaming a video is not illegal
I don't understand why everybody loves Frozen, it wasn't even that good.
You need a different video of Brave. I appreciate all of the work that you go through to keep this site running with the newest videos, but when you put up crappy videos, you lose people that want to visit your blog. Please change it right away.
Yeah, the screen's really dark
It's not working on my mobile...
It's not working on my tablet...
Not working on my cell phone...
Its crappy because they record it illegally and upload it. What fo u expect them to do go to the movies re record it and upload it again you sound so stupid for real
See ^^^point proven niave child watching illegally uploaded movies thinking its okay because its on the internet. Go google what is and is not illegal before you make yourself look really dumb
i luv frozen!!!!!!!!!!!
^i agree. Frozen is just another Disney movie that came out, nothing special. It was a good movie but everyone is obsessing over it for no good reason.
I love this movie! It has so much spirit to it.
I think the only person being childish and stupid is you.I mean do you have nothing better to do then to make rude comments about people.You need a reality check.
i have already watched it in cinema and im watching it again but not in cinema this time lol :3 XD XD XD :)
Luv it
Beautiful I love it
Thank you...nice movie. I love it
Correct :D but there's no need in being hateful to someone .. Srsly
I love this movie its better than frozen but frozen still a awesome movie this movie is awesome fantastic
love it
ur site never works
I know what is illegal and not. The downloading is, but streaming (with minor to major changes to the film) is not. The blurryness is a major change, thus, not making it illegal. I think you should stop being an ass hole and making yourself look stupid when trying to make somebody feel like a "naive child"
I will also poi t out this is the internet, a global network. Different countries have different legalities, and streaming and even downloading may be legal, depending on the country of the viewer. Do not make blanket statements without thinking about the implications of those statements.
I'm saddened to confirm the fact thAt this doesn't work on my android
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn!!!!!!! XD
Watching in I pad
Hello ��
it does not work i got 15 mins in and the screen goes green FIX THIS i started to like this site but NO
It works like a good website looks like one too. But the quality is bad
it isnt working... i refreshed it and shut down my phone but still it isnt working:-(
Grace Kim, I have added a new stream.